
Selected exhibition texts & Interviews


A Parallel Education programme, interview with curator Irena Borić, published by GSG Magazine, 2019

Beyond the Globe, 8th Triennial of Contemporary Art U3 (catalogue), co-published by Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, and Sternberg Press, Berlin.

Dreamers exhibition text - curator Irena Borić

We Need a Title,  curator Vladimir Vidmar, exhibition text

Pipe Dream, Irena Borič, 2015, exhibition text

Interview about the video "If You Remember, I Always Talked About the Future"



To Share a Read, text by Irena Borić, Forms of Education: Couldn't get a sense of it, published by Inca Press, 2016


Travelling Communique, edited by Kodwo Eshun, Armin Linke, Doreen Mende, Milica Tomić, Sarah Poppel, published by Spector Books, 2016


Nekaj izhodišč umetnosti zadnjega desetletja, text by Bojana Piškur, Crises and New Beginnings: Art in Slovenia 2005 - 2015 (catalogue), published by Moderna galerija, 2015